Aimee Walker on Color, Comfort and Connecting Through Design

Aimee Walker on Color, Comfort & Connecting Through Design

Aimee Walker on Color, Comfort & Connecting Through Design

The design visionary at the helm of Aimee Walker Interiors in Baton Rouge, LA, has transformed possibilities into reality ever since childhood, when her grandfather built her a beautiful playhouse where she spent more time designing than playing, rearranging the furniture or changing the curtains and rugs using her mom’s leftover pieces from the house. Today she brings that same verve and focus to her clients, working closely with them and with her Designer Account Executive, Abigail Juneau, to create homes that not only reflect their personality and taste but also function and fit their lifestyles. 

This was especially true with one special client whose inspiring story and strength influenced even the smallest details of a not-so-typical home build. We asked Aimee to tell us all about it.

STIR: How did this project come to you? How did you work with the client, and where did you find your richest sources of inspiration?

Aimee Walker: My client is actually a walking miracle. She has had three organ transplants, so she lives each day to the fullest, always grateful and never taking anything for granted. She is such an inspiration to me. I wanted to make sure that she was getting the home of her dreams because she is so deserving of a place to relax and recharge.

This is the second build with this client. During the first one she was hospitalized and needed a liver and kidney transplant, which left me to finish the project without her input. I don’t think you can earn any higher trust than that from a client. The final reveal was a total surprise to her. For the latest house I was able to be daring and take more chances since my client was there to make decisions.

My client and I have become very good friends, so we feel extremely comfortable working together. Every meeting is fun and relaxed so the creativity flows easily. Inspiration for this project came with each shopping trip as we found each piece that fit perfectly into our design puzzle.

STIR: What emotions arose throughout this project, in yourself and/or in the client?

Aimee: She says that her home brings her true joy every time she walks in the door, so I feel that we achieved our goal. Every room in the home has special pieces that have meaning to the client. All of her favorite colors were used throughout. Comfort was a top priority for all furniture pieces so that my client has options for places to rest and recover.

STIR: What was this design’s biggest hurdle? What was, in your opinion, its biggest triumph?

Aimee: Our biggest hurdle was delivery times in a post-COVID world. Our biggest triumph was navigating this huge project with very few delays. My client rented a large temperature-controlled storage unit, which allowed us to order items early such as appliances, tile and furniture while avoiding most availability issues.

STIR: Accessibility and comfort were especially important throughout this entire home. Please share some of the specific ways these essential elements were brought to life in this project.

Aimee: There were design goals for both aesthetics and function that needed to be met: First, the fun and energetic style and spirit of my client needed to be reflected throughout the home. Bright colors, textures, whimsical art, rugs and fabric were a must. The home office custom shelving was inspired by the Partridge Family bus so you know we were not scared to use color!

Second, access and pathways had to accommodate walkers or wheelchairs in case of future health issues. We also needed functional open spaces to entertain family and friends, and finally, our goal was to make every room comfortable and happy for days when she isn’t feeling well, so that she is not stuck in her bedroom.

STIR: Do you have a favorite room, spot, or piece? Tell us why it speaks to you.

Aimee: There are so many areas that I love in this home, but my personal favorite area is the dining room. I love the way the patterns and colors came together to create a fun yet sophisticated area. It’s always fun to work with a client who is not afraid to be daring.

STIR: Let’s talk color! How do you choose colors, and what makes this home’s color palette special?

Aimee: My Designer Account Executive, Abigail, provides me with the tools I need to help my clients choose the perfect Sherwin-Williams colors for their project, so Sherwin-Williams paint played a big part in bringing the color and life into this project. The homeowner had a basic starting color palette of orange, mustard, blue, and green. I prefer paint colors to be one of the last decisions made during a project. I love using artwork, fabric, or tile as inspiration for the final paint choices. It’s easy to adjust a paint color, but a favorite fabric or tile may only be available in limited choices.

My first degree was in graphic design, so I have extensive training in color and how light affects it. It’s an area of design in which I feel totally confident, and I’m not afraid to try bold colors. A few of the builders I work with have tried to pick paint colors on their own, but they usually end up asking for my advice and repainting their original choice. One builder considers me the “Paint Guru” because my selections are usually spot on.

Bring color and life to all your upcoming projects with Sherwin-Williams. Reach out to your Account Executive or use your PRO+ account  to get complimentary samples.

Top image: Dorian Gray SW 7017 (244-C3). Photos by Melissa Oivanki Photography. 

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