Actual color may vary from on-screen representation. To confirm your color choices prior to purchase, please view a physical color sample.
- Coordinating Colors
- SW 9148Smoky Azurite
- SW 2739Charcoal Blue
SW 7006Extra White
- Coordinating Colors
- SW 9148Smoky Azurite
- SW 2739Charcoal Blue
More White Color Inspiration
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Painted Brick Fireplace
Painted Brick Fireplace
Refresh and modernize your brick fireplace with a fresh coat of paint. Use Extra White or Copen Blue SW 0068 to brighten the room or choose a darker hue like Tricorn Black SW 6258 or Urbane Bronze SW 7048 for a moody focal point. Follow our guide to make this DIY project your next success!
Refresh and modernize your brick fireplace with a fresh coat of paint. Use Extra White or Copen Blue SW 0068 to brighten the room or choose a darker hue like Tricorn Black SW 6258 or Urbane Bronze SW 7048 for a moody focal point. Follow our guide to make this DIY project your next success!
Make Your Inspiration a Reality
Make Your Inspiration a Reality
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Book Your FREE Virtual Consult with a Color Expert.