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Paint Shield® Microbicidal Paint

The first EPA-registered microbicidal paint that kills greater than 99.9% of Staph, MRSA, E. coli, VRE and Enterobacter aerogenes after two hours of exposure on painted surfaces. Learn more:

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For all the precautions you put in place, there are some things that are hard to control, like the spread of disease-causing bacteria on painted surfaces.

Current hospital guidelines call for walls and other surfaces to be visibly clean.

But wouldn’t it be reassuring to know that your painted walls also have the power to kill bacteria?

That’s why we’ve developed the newSherwin-Williams Paint Shield Microbicidal Paint.

Paint Shield is the first EPA-registered microbicidal paint that kills greater than 99.9% of Staph, MRSA, E. coli, VRE, and Enterobacter aerogenes, within 2 hours of exposure on painted surfaces.

And, according to EPA test protocol, it continues to kill 90% of these bacteria, even after repeated contamination of the painted surface.

The effectiveness lasts for up to 4 years, as long as the integrity of the surface is maintained.

Here's how it works.

Paint Shield successfully marries a proven, well-studied microbicide with a waterborne paint.

The active ingredient, a quaternary ammonium compound, kills Staph, MRSA, E. coli, VRE, and Enterobacter aerogenes.

And Paint Shield is an exceptional product from Sherwin-Williams, providing great hide and a durable finish.

Just apply two coats with a brush or roller over primer or existing paint.

While Paint Shield was designed for healthcare facilities, it’s ideal for any place where these bacteria are a concern.

Now you have an additional new tool that helps reduce the spread of these difficult-to-kill bacteria on painted surfaces.

Introducing new Paint Shield Microbicidal Paint, only from Sherwin-Williams.

For more details, visit

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