Interior & Exterior DIY Painting Techniques

Want professional-looking results for your interior or exterior DIY project? It all comes down to using the proper tools and painting techniques. Let the paint do the work, and you'll save time and get beautiful finish.

Here are tips and techniques you can use for projects throughout your home.

Using Painter's Tape

1. Apply low-tack painter's tape on trim to create a sharp, even line.

2. Press and smooth your tape with a putty knife or a credit card to keep paint from seeping under the tape edge.

3. Once your paint is dry to the touch, remove the tape by slowly peeling it back over itself.

Shop tape here.

Using a Brush

1. Hold a brush near the base of the handle.

2. Dip half the bristles into the paint and tap on the lip of the can. Don't wipe it on the side.

3. Paint with enough pressure to bend the bristles slightly — don't bear hard on the brush.

4. A 1-2" brush offers good control so it is well-suited for detail work such as cutting in around windows or painting molding. To apply paint to larger surfaces such as doors, use a 3-4" brush.

Shop brushes here.

Using a Roller

1. Roll the roller slowly into the paint in the tray. Then, roll it back and forth until the roller cover is evenly coated with paint.

2. Roll onto the tray's ridges to remove excess paint.

3. For smooth surfaces: Cover about a two-foot-square using an N pattern. Cross roll to spread the paint. Finish, with light roller strokes in one direction, at a right angle to the cross roll.

4. If the surface you are painting is porous or textured, use a heavy-nap roller cover (1/2" or more). Use a 1/4" nap to maximize sheen on a smoother surface.

5. For horizontal or vertical siding: Follow the direction of the siding and cover about four linear feet at a time (with a nine-inch roller cover).

Shop roller covers, frames and accessories here.

Painting Paneled Doors

1. First remove all hardware or cover it with masking tape. If paint does get on metal parts, wipe it up immediately with a soft cloth.

2. Start by painting the panels, working from top to bottom. For each panel, paint panel molding first, then the interior, using up and down strokes with your brush.

3. Next, paint the rest of the door, finishing with the outer edges. If the door swings out, paint the hinged edge. If the door swings in, paint the lock-side edge.

Painting Flush Doors

1. Paint the edges first.

2. Then fill in the center area, working from top to bottom.

3. Finish with the frame and jamb.

Painting Double-Hung Windows

1. For double-hung windows move each sash to the center of its track and paint the inside sash, starting with the crossbars. Then, paint the frame. Don't paint the top edge of the inside sash; you'll use it to move the sash. Next, paint the top half of the outside sash, starting with the crossbar, then the frame.

2. Close the sashes to within several inches of the closed position. Paint the rest of the outer sash and the top edge of the inner sash. Paint the window casing, then the sill.

3. Paint the check rails. Move both sashes down as far as they will go, then paint the upper rails. Once the paint is thoroughly dry, move both sashes up and paint the lower rails of the window.

Casement or Awning Windows

1. Open the windows and paint the top, side and bottom edges.

2. Finish with the crossbars, frame, casings and the sills.

Painting Railings or Steps

1. If you're painting a porch that has railings, paint the railings first. Follow with the outside edges of the floor, working toward the door or steps.

2. When painting steps, start with the underside of each step's overhang, then move on to the risers and the treads.