Color Chips
Have a lot of color ideas for your space? Color chips are the perfect solution. Order up to 10 FREE 2"x3" color chips online. Ships free.
Make sure you’ve found the perfect color for your next project. Order color chips, peel & stick or Color to Go® samples to see how your top color picks look and feel in your space.
Visualize any color by experimenting directly on the surface. Eliminate the guesswork with Twist-n-Pour Color to Go® paint samples.
No mess. No dry time. Our 8" x 8" peel & stick color samples are available in our most popular colors. Order now for only $3.95 per sample, with free shipping for a limited time.
Have a lot of color ideas for your space? Color chips are the perfect solution. Order up to 10 FREE 2"x3" color chips online. Ships free.
Sherwin-Williams PaintPerks is an exclusive program designed to help you with your at-home projects.
Sherwin-Williams PaintPerks is an exclusive program designed to help you with your at-home projects.