Brush or Roller Marks (Poor Flow / Leveling) Flow and Leveling
Failure of paint to dry to a smooth film, resulting in unsightly brush and roller marks after the paint dries.

Bubbling (Foaming / Cratering)
Formation in the paint film of air bubbles (foaming) or small, round concave depressions (cratering).

Small circular, crater-like openings that appear during or shortly after the application.

Flow and Leveling (Poor)
Failure of paint to dry to a smooth film, resulting in unsightly brush and roller marks after the paint dries.

A white, salt-like substance on the paint surface. On masonry, it can be mistaken for efflorescence.

Hiding (Poor)
Failure of dried paint to obscure or hide the underlying color or surface to which it is applied.

Poor Scrub Resistance
The wearing away or removal of the paint film when scrubbed with a brush, sponge, or cloth.

Print Resistance (Poor)
Tendency of paint film to take on the imprint of an object that is placed on it.

Roller Marks / Stippling
Unintentional textured pattern left in the paint by the roller.

Roller Splattering
Tendency of a roller to throw off small droplets of paint during application.

Downward “drooping” of the paint film immediately after application

Wearing away or removal of the paint film when scrubbed with a brush

Transparent (Poor Hiding)
Failure of dried paint to properly obscure or conceal painted surface.

Vinyl Siding Warping
Warping or buckling of vinyl siding panels that have been repainted.

A rough, crinkled paint surface, which occurs when uncured paint forms a skin.