Benefits of Buy Online
Plan your jobs and purchase products online for fast, efficient work flow.
Reference your in-store and online purchase history to easily reorder paint and supplies.
Receive status updates on your order.
Order 24/7 from your computer, tablet or mobile phone.
View your pricing.
Easily pay invoices, view statements and so much more.
Shop from the Homepage
The search bar provides direct access to products. Results can be retrieved by entering:
S-W color number (e.g., SW 7692)
S-W color name (e.g., Cupola Yellow)
Product name (e.g., Emerald Interior Latex Flat)
The Shop By Category feature allows you to navigate to a specific area of the website.

The Frequently Purchased section of the homepage showcases items that you order most often for easy reordering.

Quick Order
The Quick Order link lives on the homepage and remains in the top tool bar while you browse the site.
On the Quick Order form you can search for products, configure product color, and add all items entered to your cart.