USG Sheetrock Plus 3 Joint Compound

USG Sheetrock® Brand Easy Sand™ Joint Compound can be used for a variety of applications including: filling, smoothing and finishing interior concrete ceilings and above-grade concrete, taping and finishing panels in bathroom areas and finishing joints in protected exterior soffits.




  • Product Details
    • For interior gypsum panels and exterior gypsum ceiling boards

    • Weighs 25% less than conventional setting-type compounds

    • Sanding ease similar to a ready-mixed, all-purpose joint compound

    • Unique humidity resistance

    • Exceptional bond with low shrinkage

    • Check-crack resistance in heavy fills

    • Choice of setting times
  • Product Specifications
    Product # Sales Number Size Container Size
    N/A {{sku.prodNumber}} {{sku.prodNumber}} N/A {{sku.sku}} {{sku.sku}}


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