Exterior Color Schemes
Browse a variety of regional, exterior color schemes below. From coastal to inland, historic to modern, we've got you covered.

America's Heritage
Ranging from exuberant hues that adorned ornately appointed Victorians to the softer, restrained shades of Craftsman bungalows, our featured color combinations are based on authentic schemes from their respective areas.

Desert & Southwest Style
The Desert & Southwest Style Palette highlights the warm, earthy tones of sun-baked adobe homes, terra-cotta roof tiles and desert sands with just enough contrasting hues of green and gray to cool you off.

Northern Shores & Seaports
In the Nothern Shores & Seaports Palette, you'll find softened shades of traditional colors found throughout nature. Slate blue, dusty red and subdued gray-green tones offer a calming serenity reflective of a vast, pristine landscape.

Southern Shores & Beaches
Throughout the Southern Shores & Beaches Palette, look for sun-washed tones that are as hospitable and accommodating on a breezy ocean side veranda as they are in a formal parlor served up with sweet tea.

Suburban Modern
Offset the rich ambers, avocado greens and inky blues of the Suburban Modern Palette with neutral tones and aluminum or stainless steel accents for a sleek, contemporary style.

Suburban Traditional
The Suburban Traditional Palette had established color combinations that befit traditional residential architecture and blend well with suburban landscape.