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3 questions you need to ask now

Looking to grow your paint contracting business, but not sure what to do? Hiring an expert to run your office and finances has been a positive turning point in the growth of many successful contracting firms. If you're ready to take your company to the next level, here are some questions to ask yourself.

1. Do you need an office manager?

Take a look at your current situation and see how you feel about each of these questions.

  • Do you feel like your finances are out of control?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed with day-to-day paperwork?

  • Are bills not being paid on time?

  • Does it seem that you are consistently not on top of your collections?

  • Are you having trouble sometimes making payroll?

If you answer yes to any of these, it's time to seriously consider hiring an office manager.

2. What qualities do you want to look for in an office manager?

Experience is good, but don't limit yourself by only looking for someone who has worked for a painting company before. The basic systems to manage an office apply to all types of businesses.

Profit and loss statements, budgets, and balance sheets – they're similar in any industry.

According to A2X Consulting: "A good manager can keep your office running smoothly, boost employee morale, and maximize efficiency in stressful environments. Likewise, a poor manager can be the tragic downfall of your establishment's office. When hiring an office manager, there are certain key qualities to look for in all potential applicants."

You'll want to make sure your hire is:

  • Proficient with numbers

  • Equipped with exceptional organizational skills

  • A good leader and communicator

  • Can work effectively with people

  • A good fit with your company culture

  • Above all, honest and trustworthy

Your office manager will have access to employee records, payroll, and other sensitive information. You need to feel like you can count on them to do the right thing – even when no one is looking.

3. How do I get the most out of my office manager?

Once you've hired an office manager, it's important that you turn over the day-to-day bookkeeping and minor office decisions to them.

Give them the freedom to establish filing systems, set up your accounting and job tracking, and the other standard operating procedures for the office.

Why? First of all, they're really good at it – and they actually enjoy doing it. And, it will allow you to really focus on what you're best at: Focusing on your customers and growing your business.

Also, don't scrimp on salary when you hire an office manager, says Kathy Shertzer, office manager for DuKate Fine Remodeling in Franklin, Indiana.

"Offer industry-comparable benefits and a good vacation package," she says. "Be generous. It really does count, and it will instill loyalty. You may think, ‘I can't afford much,' but consider that a good office manager should save the business (his or her) salary and then some. Think about how much time you are losing by continuing to manage your own books when you could be using that time to generate sales or develop your client base."

Bottom line

If you're like most small business owners, hiring an office manager is one of the best actions you can take to take your sales to the next level.

"Choosing an office manager is a big decision and shouldn't be rushed," says management consultant David Schwab. "Take your time, conduct a thorough interview process, use your best judgment – and you'll be on the way to finding the right leader for your team."


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