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Why maintaining a sense of separation between the personal and professional will make you a stronger leader

By Nathan Jamail

In business today, leaders and organizations have to be more aware than ever of how their employees balance their work demands and their personal demands. Organizations are constantly focusing on how to improve production, profits and performance, while at the same time maintaining a high level of morale. The issue is the search for personal and professional balance.

As there are no definitive parameters for measuring balance, the real goal should be personal and professional separation. In the search for this delicate balance, a leader must first understand why separation is key, and understand the consequences when personal and professional lives overlap.

Why separation is so important

As technology has revolutionized the business landscape, many professionals no longer just leave their work at the office. This causes many people to feel that they spend all their time working or on call, regardless of location.

At the same time, many parents are prioritizing attendance of their kids’ events and family lunch dates using the same technology within the same time frames of “normal business hours.”

As a result, many people are doing two things at once – and doing neither one very well. When your personal and professional lives overlap in this manner, both of them suffer.

The facts: At work

Jobs frequently require people to work late, to put in extra hours and spend days on the road away from the family.

This is because the job needs to get done, and a true professional understands that they may have to miss a child’s event or be away from home at inopportune times.

To be great in business, a person must make sacrifices.

The facts: At home

Most professionals today work to provide for their family and feel their family or personal life is the most important thing to them.

Moms want to be moms, dads want to be dads, and people want to be who they are other than what their business card states.

How to be present

When you’re at work you need to be at work, no matter your family dynamics or problems – you must learn to leave them at home. Don’t let personal issues affect your performance.

When you’re home with your family you need to be present. Leave your phone and your uniform or suit jacket at the door. Like your company, your family deserves the very best.

4 tips for staying present

  1. Never walk in the house on the phone.

  2. Change your clothes from work clothes to home clothes immediately upon arriving home so you feel the part.

  3. Make eye contact with those speaking with you, no matter if they are your co-worker, your boss, or your three-year-old.

  4. Share the expectations with your company team and your family.

  5. Be aware of your personal state of mind and change it if necessary.

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