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Javier & Oscar Sánchez

Javier and Oscar Sánchez started their own commercial painting contractor company in 2010. Even in a recession and financed with the small capital of a tax return, the owners of

SB Painting & Waterproofing

experienced quick success in the West Palm Beach, Florida painting market.

Born in Nicaragua, the brothers learned the construction trade from their father at a young age. They later worked as supervisors and sales representatives of painting companies before they decided to take the plunge and go into business for themselves.

“It was always my father’s dream that one day we could have our own company,” says Oscar.

Today SB Painting & Waterproofing offers a wide range of commercial and residential painting services, covering new construction, repaints and high-rise, and has expanded its market to Key West and the Bahamas.

Most of the company’s 20 employees are family relatives or, as Oscar says, friends that are like family.

“My sister is in charge of accounting, my older sister was a teacher and now she takes care of the contracts. My dad is quality supervisor. My little sister used to work in a mall and now is our secretary, and I have a cousin who is a painter and a friend who works as a representative,” he says.

We recently had a chance to sit down with Oscar and Javier to ask them what they’ve learned as professional painting contractors.

What’s the formula to your success?

In addition to having sales experience and the ability to develop a good chemistry with customers, you have to work hard and always maintain your integrity.

What was the biggest turning point in your painting careers?

It was when we decided to open our own family business. With our years of experience in the industry and the support of our family and friends, we took the opportunity and put our company in God’s hands. At first we thought we would not get the license, but thanks to referrals from some customers and suppliers – including Sherwin-Williams, who extended a credit line to our business – we had no problems.

What has been the biggest challenge of running your own company?

As first-time business owners, we want to do everything in our power to satisfy our customers. But sometimes after taking every step possible, we’re still unable to achieve customer satisfaction. It takes understanding to know that we have to take it and learn from it.

What’s your favorite part of running your own painting company?

Being able to work with family and knowing that everyone that comes along becomes family. We are so blessed to have built a team that will not only help us reach our goals, but their goals too.

What is the best business advice you ever got?

The best advice we ever got was from a good friend of ours. He said: “Do things the right way, whether it’s personal, or in your business. Never do wrong to anybody, and do not lie to anybody. Never lose your integrity. It’s what will make you successful in life.”

Is there anything you’d like to tell young people entering the coatings business?

Make sure you begin by building your business on a strong foundation, with humility, hard work and dedication.

What have you learned as a professional painter? Send an email to

for a chance to tell your story.

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