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Job Site Videos for Social Media

Paint Medics in Ohio makes short, inexpensive videos at the job site to post on Facebook and YouTube. Owner Chuck Kocinski explains how they help him get business and build customer trust.

Watch more videos like these in the Sherwin-Williams Pro On the Go video interview series

Video Transcription:


Video is an excellent way to promote your company, win more business and build customer trust. Paint Medics in Ohio, for example, has had success making short videos at the job site to post on the company Facebook and YouTube channel.

Chuck Kocinski:

Social media offers a front row seat to our potential customers. It gives us that exposure that we need. They get to see the prep work. They get to see what's involved and the whole entire process. A lot of times people don't realize all that goes behind the scenes when it comes to a quality paint job. When we showcase all that stuff, it eases their mind and answers a lot of their questions.


Though they've hired professional videographers for a few productions, most of Paint Medics' videos were shot at little expense with cell phones at the job site.

Chuck Kocinski:

Shooting videos – it's very simple, it's very rewarding. Here, you take a couple minutes out of your schedule, shoot a video and you get to see exactly what you look like and how you perform and put you in a customer's seat. A lot of times before I show up to the job site, people tell me, "Yes, I've seen the videos that you had on your Facebook or I've seen it on the website. We see you doing the work and we're kind of curious to see, you know, what you are capable of doing to our house."

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