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PRO on the Go: Giving Back

Painting contractors that get involved in their communities are discovering: If you give, you get more back. Kevin Nolan of Nolan Painting shares some secrets of his company's community service marketing success.

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Looking for ways to brand your company? Giving back to the community has become a big part of some company’s marketing plans. One is Nolan Painting in Philadelphia.

Kevin Nolan, Nolan Painting:

We give to lots and lots of community-based organizations, and then something happens. They like us. They like us because not only do we give them money, but we give them our enthusiasm. We show up at events. We meet people. Uh, all these organizations have stakeholders, that all are watching. Who’s supporting us? Who’s helping us? I want to help them too. You know, people really like when you support their organization.


And, you don’t have to wait for opportunities to come along. You can also get pro-active.

Kevin Nolan:

So now, we actually target organizations, and call them up and say: “How can we support you? How can we, uh, make a donation? How can we do a free project for you?” Um, I understand you’re having a silent auction at one of your fundraisers. Would you like a free painter for a day?” We do the free painter for a day, and then ultimately it leads to more work. But also, all the eyes of that organization were looking at that as a way to basically market yourself of being good guys.


There are a lot of ways to get involved. Companies that get involved in their communities find if you give, you get more back.

Kevin Nolan:

It’s very gratifying. In fact, I once saw a quote: “The best way to be happy in the world is to help someone else.” And, if you’re ever in a bad mood, or not feeling good or depressed, um, go out and help somebody. It inevitably raises your spirit. And uh, that’s the spirit in our company is helping people. And it just so happens that it helps us as well.

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