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PRO on the Go Video: The Right Paint for the Room

Paint is not a 'one size fits all' product. Use different products for different jobs. Chris Bracken and Nicho Thornell share their tips to select the right Sherwin-Williams paint product for the right job.

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Video Transcription:

Recommending the right paint is one of the many challenges you face in your residential projects.

In many jobs, different paints are needed for different rooms.

It's not always one size fits all.

When we go to a homeowner’s home and we’re there going over paint options with them, different rooms sometimes do require different paints.

They're more suitable to different areas and we will try to steer them accordingly.

The current job that I'm working on, I had to incorporate three different products.

A 400 flat for the ceilings.

It lays down nice dead look to it.

I used a flat super paint on the walls.

They don't have a lot of high traffic and they wanted it to have a flat, nice finish to it.

And the bathrooms, I went to a Duration Matte which allows for a flat look but it also allows for a lot of washability which is what they were concerned with.

All these paints from Super Paint Duration and Emerald do have their place in a home, I always recommend in kitchens for people who do a lot of cooking.

Get something highly scrubbable.

Go with Duration, it is a paint that can be scrubbed over again and again and again.

And it does have great color retention.

So, if you're going to go with the paint in the kitchen I highly recommend Duration as the paint of choice, as well as bathrooms.

Bathrooms you may want to go with the Emerald, because it does have the mold and mildew inhibitors built in the paint, which is a great feature.

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