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The Seattle Aquarium

Located on Pier 59 on the Elliott Bay waterfront, the Seattle Aquarium is always a challenging job for painters. Cole Palea of Novo Painting & Property Services describes how they overcame peeling, blistering, and moisture problems with proper prep and the help of Emerald Exterior Acrylic Latex Paint.

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Video Transcription:

Hi, my name is Cole Polea and I’m with Novo Painting and Property Services in Seattle. We’re a full-service paint/maintenance company who serves corporate facilities as well as landmark properties. We’re here today painting the Seattle Aquarium, we lucked out with a sunny day.

The Seattle Aquarium is about a hundred-year old building. It is a historic landmark in Seattle. There’s a lot of considerations that had to be made when we did the prep work for the project. The property sits right on the Puget Sound. It’s on a pier. It sits over the water and in the building, there’s animal tanks in there, a lot of moisture content in the building. And so one of the biggest challenges was to make sure that we’re allowing for proper moisture ventilation so that we don’t get a lot of blistering and bubbling and things like that.

In this section here on the south face, we see a lot of moisture, blistering, a lot of exposure to the elements. All of the storms roll in through this section, and so the prep and the proper ventilation of the siding was extremely important.

We chose to use Emerald by Sherwin-Williams on this project specifically for its durability. We also chose it for its color retention on the darker colors and its resistance to peeling and blistering.

The Seattle Aquarium has some very historic colors and it was very important to in make sure that the colors were spot on.

Sherwin-Williams was really accommodating in making our clients happy and making sure that the colors were right.

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