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Two-Minute Manager: Setting Priorities

Too much to do, not enough time? Annie Newton, COO at 4 Seasons Color in Walla Walla, Washington, shares some of her secrets for setting priorities and staying focused.

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Video Transcription:

Annie Newton:

We have the privilege to work with an amazing business coach. He keeps us accountable but helps us complete, come back and revisit each time: What is it we want? And to really define where our why is. And, he often says: “Remember what you want.” Discipline is remembering what you want. You know, it’s not uncommon for me to go home with 40 texts still to view and a huge load of emails and voicemails, that we can become sidetracked and we can make an exchange and forget what is it we really want. And so my “not now” list is considerably long compared to my “now” list.

Pro On The Go host:

Knowing what you do well – and what you need help with – is another important part of business ownership.

Annie Newton:

I think it’s important for us to be self-aware – kind of a SWOT analysis. Many people practice the protocol: What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What are your opportunities? And what are the threats – on an individual level and then as an organization. What’s our SWOT? And, that’s where once you know where your threats and your weaknesses are, well, write the plan. Go find who has the answer. There’s so many resources out there. I think sometimes we get bogged down and we think it’s all on us to solve. And, there’s amazing people out there. It’s asking, maybe being humble enough to say, “Hey, I think I might need help, I got in over my head on this one.”

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