About Concrete Coater™
Concrete Coater is a resource dedicated specifically to concrete coating products – with insights and inspiration to inform key areas of the business.
Current Articles

Decorative Concrete Floor Makes Big Impact in Lil Bar
Follow a contractor as he expands his business into concrete flooring and describes his process for giving an old concrete floor a hardworking, durable and attractive decorative finish.

Video: Pro Tips for Using Sher-Crete
See concrete pros provide advice that can help you get the waterproofing results you want — on both old and new horizontal substrates.

Excel With the Right Clear Sealer for Interior Concrete
Learn how to enhance and preserve your work on interior concrete floors — an H&C products expert provides insights on matching the right sealer to each job.

Video: Help Reduce Energy Use With Loxon XP
See an in-lab demonstration of how Loxon XP ® IR inhibits heat buildup on exterior concrete walls to help keep interiors cooler and reduce energy use in hot, sunny climates.

Concrete Protection in Rainy Vancouver
Sherwin-Williams and H&C concrete coatings protect and beautify a prominent new development in British Columbia.

Video: Get Creative With H&C® Broom Finish Repair
Pick up tips for restoring old concrete with a clean, like-new finish that you can color and texturize. It's an easy way to offer customers an economical option for repair.

Hard Samples: Helping Sell Concrete Color
In between printed color charts and full mockups, now you have another tool to guide customers toward color decisions for decorative concrete projects.

Concrete Waterproofing: A Class Act
Learn how a vexing water intrusion problem on a rear entrance deck was finally solved for a Philadelphia school that had been suffering for years. A smart suite of products received top grades all around.

Four Ways to Make Your Job Easier
Cultivate a network of trusted partners who can help you spot new opportunities, solve job-site problems and exceed customer expectations.

Expert Views: Stained vs. Polished Concrete Floors
Get the expert views of two concrete coatings specialists. Pick up valuable tips that can help you recommend the right solution to customers.

How a Micro-Topping Can Smooth a Job
Giving an old, worn concrete floor a smooth new look takes just one coat when you use the super-thin H&C® Micro-Topping Concrete Resurfacer like this contractor did.

Concrete Team Effort in Chicago
Collaboration and working relationships are key elements in the success of any project, large or small. Pick up tips from this team on a protective-coating job at the VB 1224 Lofts in Chicago.

Video: Stamped Floor Captures Marina Style
Learn how one contractor brought to life his client's vision of a floor inspired by a marina's weathered wood dock.

Coating Concrete When It's Cold
Follow these guidelines to get optimal performance from protective coatings in colder climates.

Video: One-Stop Concrete Protection System
Watch one contractor's story about a massive two-year protective concrete project.

Deteriorating Concrete, Revived
Learn how a crew revived 80K sq. ft. of concrete.

Damaged Concrete Clean-Up
Discover cost-effective surfacing cleanup.

Before You Coat: Evaluate
Deliver long-lasting protective results with the proper substrate evaluation.

Weather Phenomenon
Humidity, salt and draining rain challenge Florida building restoration.

What the Doctor Ordered
The challenges of applying a protective coating to a historic hospital.

How to Sell Concrete Overlays
Tips on being an expert consultant.

Welcome to the Dynamics of Concrete at Sherwin-Williams
New voice in the concrete industry.

Lab Report
News on Loxon® Conditioner and time-saving benefits of H&C® Acetone Dye Stain.

Everyday Savings for Every Pro!
Save every day with special contractor pricing.