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Failure of paint to dry to a smooth film, resulting in unsightly brush and roller marks after the paint dries.


  • Application of additional paint or re-brushing or re-rolling in areas where the paint has partially dried.

  • "Working" paint too much during application.

  • Use of the wrong type or nap size of roller cover. Use of the wrong type or size of brush.

  • Applying too thin of a paint film.

  • Painting a hot surface or in direct sunlight.

  • Coating a very porous surface.


See Lead Information.

  • Allow the coating to dry thoroughly, sand the coating smooth, and repaint.

  • Wait until the paint has dried thoroughly before touching up.

  • Apply the paint using good painting practices.

  • Follow label and data page directions for the appropriate quality, applicator size, and type.

  • Follow label and data page directions for the appropriate film build.

  • Follow label and data page directions for the appropriate environmental conditions.

  • Prime or seal porous surfaces.


Reapply the same or an upgrade coating.


Reapply the same or an upgrade coating.

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