Dog on window seat


The Living Wellâ„¢ Collection includes paints and colors carefully chosen to help you turn your customer's home into a haven of comfort, style and well-being.

Explore Living Wellâ„¢ products below

SuperPaint Air Purifying paint can

SuperPaint® with
Air Purifying Technology

Improve indoor air quality* by reducing VOC levels and reducing common indoor odors

SuperPaint with Sanitizing paint can

SuperPaint® with
Sanitizing Technology

Keep walls sanitized 24/7** and help prevent the spread of certain bacteria

Helps with cleaner indoor air quality*

Keeps walls sanitized 24/7**

Reduces common
household odors

Helps prevent the spread of bacteria

Inhibits the growth of mold and mildew

Easy application

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Shop Living Well

Help Your Customers Create Balance with Color

Home office


View the Living Wellâ„¢ color palettes here
*Reduces VOC levels from potential sources like carpet, cabinets and fabrics and works to reduce unwanted household odors. The length of time SuperPaint® with Air Purifying Technology Interior Acrylic Latex actively reduces odors and formaldehyde depends on the concentration, the frequency of exposure and the amount of painted surface area.

**EPA registered paint that kills 99.9% of Staph (Staphylococcus aureus), E. coli (Escherichia coli), MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), VRE (Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis) and Enterobacter aerogenes on painted surfaces within two hours of exposure, and continues to kill 90% of bacteria for up to four years when the integrity of the surface is maintained.