Minwax® Performance Series Tintable Interior Wood Stain

Turn those two- or three-day staining projects into one-day jobs with Minwax®. This versatile system provides all the benefits of a top-quality performer - fast dry times, easy application, and quick clean up - teamed with dozens of color options. Choose the combination of products for your project from the following recommendations:

Smoothness and Speed

Builds, fills and highlights grain. Ideal for trim, fireplace mantels and crown molding.

Durability and Speed

Simple, durable and easy to apply. Ideal for trim, windows and doors, crown molding, baseboards, shelving and chair rails.

Maximum Durability

Tough, hard, abrasion and splash resistant. Ideal for floors, baseboards, high-traffic areas and heavy-use furniture.

Speed and Color Clarity

Fast drying with a durable and rich finish. Ideal for furniture, cabinets and anywhere extreme color clarity is desired.

As always, you can count on getting expert help and advice about your project at your neighborhood Sherwin-Williams store.